ARTium Design Build has been designing and building exceptional living spaces for 20 years. We offer a collaborative design and renovation experience through our passion for creativity and customer satisfaction.
There is an ART to great renovation.
As we consider ourselves creative people and we also like to promote the artistic community. It is because of this connection we feel with other talented people that we have started a new initiative promoting Ottawa artists.
We are excited to share this initiative on our website as well as proudly displaying pieces of art in our newly renovated design studio. We are located at 2853 Carp Road, Ottawa
We are pleased to showcase two very talented Ottawa artists
Jessica Toczko - www.jessicatoczko.com
If you are interested in any pieces, please contact info@artiumdesignbuild.com or feel free to contact the artist directly.
Previously Showcased Artists
Jennifer Noxon - www.jennifernoxon.com
Charles Spratt - www.cspratt.ca
John Edkins - www.edkinsphoto.com
If you would like to become one of our featured artists, please contact Lindsay at info@artiumdesignbuild.com